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Our Routine With Jack, and Sometimes

We are on more of a routine than a schedule at this point in Jack's young life. While preparing for his arrival, we read The Baby Whisperer Solves All Your Problems by Tracy Hogg. Her method is E.A.S.Y. Eat, Activity, Sleep, Your Time.
We started that routine from the first day we brought Jack home. Feed him as soon as he wakes up, keep him awake for a little while, and put him in his crib while he is sleepy, but still a little awake. This method is supposed to help him not need to nurse himself to sleep, and it's also suppose to help him fall asleep on his own if he wakes up in the middle of the night. I think he's still too young to tell if we've accomplished either, but so far he's been great at sleeping in his crib, and I've watched him on the baby monitor fall asleep on his own after hearing him fuss in the middle of the night. Sometimes the fussing turns into crying, so then I assume he's hungry and I feed him.
The whole idea of keeping him awake after a feeding was much harder in his first few days of life. He was so sleepy, all the time. But now it is much easier. We usually get 45 minutes-1 hour of play time with him after his feeding before he starts to get very fussy and we let him nap.
But sometimes.
Sometimes he gets so sleepy after he eats and he buries his head in his hands or in my neck and falls asleep. His breathing slows down and I can feel every muscle in his little warm body relax.
I know Tracy Hogg would want me to wake him up. I know he might become reliant on nursing to fall asleep.
But in these 'sometimes' moments-I kiss his forehead and enjoy my sleeping baby.


  1. I am beginning to see a pattern here over these here baby posts ;) Keep baby close to you as long as possible - so cute!

  2. And that's exactly what you should do! Someday before you know it you'll long for that. Jack will be wonderful no matter how he falls to sleep. :)

  3. I did the eat,wake, sleep routine...but she'd conk out at the "eat" part, and wouldn't sleep at the "sleep" part. haha.Besides...nursing them to sleep is soooooo snuggly...since it's the only way she'll sleep, i've learned to embrace it and cherish it!

  4. I'm no mom, but i say let him conk out and enjoy this time. I hear it goes by way to fast!

    What a beautiful picture! :)

  5. He is too precious! I just want to kiss and pinch those cheeks!!!

  6. Haven't read that book, but love the idea of E.A.S.Y.!

  7. That picture is so sweet! I agree with you that sometimes it's okay to just do what you want and let him snuggle or sleep.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Oh so sweet, love the picture!!!

  10. We did the eat wake sleep routine after reading babywise and we have a great sleeper. But every method needs to be read with a grain of salt and as I watch my toddler run around the living room I say enjoy those cuddly naps sometimes!!!
    Andrea (from student teaching)

  11. yes yes yes. we are trying the EASY plan too but the "sometimes" happens. and when it does. i soak it up too :) xox
