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What 40 weeks really looks like...and what our kids will *never* do....

Sure, sometimes I get dressed and do my hair. Sometimes I even put on make-up. But let's get serious...this usually only happens on Sundays.
Since Jack's due date has come and gone, I thought I'd share how I usually look...
Let's just say that Ben's boxers and skivvies have become my best friends. Oh, and it's really hard to find shirts that cover the whole belly. 

As if that wasn't enough belly exposure...I have something really exciting for ya'll to see.
So I know that this whole *parenthood* thing is going to be filled with all of my "I will never" or "Our kids will never" mantras getting thrown back in my's a few I've already said that I know I probably won't be able to maintain:
-Our kids will never eat in the car.
-I will never yell at my kids in public.
-Our kids will never eat anything with hfcs, artificial dyes, preservatives, hormones, antibiotics....they will only eat kale. All day every day. Kale smoothies, kale juice, kale-pops, kale chips. You really can do a lot with kale!!! 
-I will never let my house turn into a Toy's-R-Us. Christmas will not be about who got the most toys. We will be serving meals to homeless people at a food shelter. Or handing out clean drinking water and hugs to kids in third world countries. Jack won't even know what a toy is unless he is at his grandparents house. 

Haha ok, so you get the point. I'm a little crazy. And most of those are slight exaggerations, but really I'm just crazy. 
I already know what you're thinking, "Her poor kids, they will never be able to just be 'kids'..." Welp, let me tell you--America's definition of letting 'kids be kids' has me perfectly fine with that. 

As soon as I got pregnant, I told Ben "If I start posting bare pregnant belly shots on the internet, please deactivate my facebook and don't let me anywhere near the computer." So I thought it would be fitting to start off this whole parenthood thing doing the thing I said I would *never* do...because I know as well as you do that one day I am going to find myself in Walmart, yelling at Jack while bribing him with toys and simultaneously bribing his sister with pop and M&M's. And then we are going to drive home in a car that has goldfish and french fries buried in the seats. *cringe*

40 week belly
What were some of your "I will never's" that went flying out the window??


  1. Don't worry Jack. Daddy won't let Mommy rid our diets of meat completely! She tried here recently but I negotiated for italian saugage on my pizza...there was kale also of course. Also, sometimes you can exchange massages for meat.

  2. Hahaha, my mom has always said that God laughs and says, "oh, really?" whenever we say we'll "never" do something. I haven't had the chance for any of my "nevers" to fly out the window, yet, but I'm certain that the first to go will be: "I'll never upload 200 pictures of my baby that were all taken within a 15 minute span. Three is more than sufficient."

    ps: love the pictures with the skivvies -- those things are so dang comfortable!

  3. Hahaha I love that we all go back on our "I will never do's" :) you are so stinking adorable!!!

  4. Hahah! Your belly is awesome. Hang in there.

  5. So cute! By the way, my list of "I will never do..." is a lot like yours! Especially with food and toys :)
    Before Sawyer was born Aaron didn't want him sleeping with us, he would rather have him sleep in the play pen next to our bed. But... he sleeps with us every night :) and we love it!

  6. you are still so tiny nicole! i love your they will eat kale everything and we have a few things on our list of things our kids will never do, here's hoping i can stick to the list!

  7. Fun "overdue" post! :D I've definitely gained more weight than you during pregnancy (sigh)-I feel like I should be eating kale everything to keep weight gain under control (I'm positive that I've gained enough for baby & me and that we don't need any more).
    The pics are great (you're looking great) and the "never will's" are silly...looking forward to hearing which ones/how many of them you break. ;) I'm a clean freak (most of the time), but I'm already planning on that issue going out the window when baby arrives.
    Still praying for your delivery and can't wait to hear the exciting news. :D

  8. Well, it's official --- you make being 40 weeks pregnant look good!!! You are ALL belly! And coming from someone who was a week past due [I was induced at 41 weeks], I really and truly feel for you! The last few weeks are hard enough without having to pass your due date ... but the good news is your sweet boy will be here VERY SOON!!

    As for my list of things I'd never say I'd do.... well, I've done almost all of them. Except for not letting J watch much tv *at all*... I stuck w/ that one pretty well. However, his car seat is a hot mess and snacks are constantly everywhere. Life changes fast once they arrive and even more so when they're mobile. And with that, you change a lot too and realize sometimes you just do what you have to do!

    SO EXCITED FOR Y'ALL.... PRAYING FOR A EASY AND FAST DELIVERY! Can't wait to hear the good news!! :)))

  9. you look amazing!!!! your sweet boy will be here very soon! xox

  10. Wow look at that belly!!

    Oh let's see what have I thrown out the window? No McDonald's. No more than one hour of TV a day and it should only be Baby Einstein or Sesame Street. Never ever will I ever let my little girl wear a tutu or princess dress in public. No chocolate in their milk a thank you.

    All of which are out the proverbial window. We have McDonald's almost weekly while visiting their great-grandmother. The TV is on a good portion of the day... Usually Sesame Street but Mickey Mouse Clubhouse appears daily. I've become completely immune to the monstrosities that Letteria wishes to wear out of this house. We go everywhere in them. Sometimes even with crocs and crazy bed hair. Andddd neither of my children drink their milk plain.

    Not worth the battle? Maybe. ;)

  11. Your maternity pics are WONDERFUL!!!!! Our GOD makes such BEAUTIFUL things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
