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2 Months: Lessons Learned

*13 pounds/smiling all the time and it's amazing/almost laughing/cooing/loves being upright*

  • Having a vacuum on has helped Jack fall back asleep after the 30/45 minute intruder, but unfortunately we are still dealing with it.
  • The nursing room at church is like a safe haven.
  • A full night's rest of uninterrupted sleep should be worth a million bucks.
  • Always pack a back-up to the back-up diaper.
  • When all else fails, turn on the vacuum.

*Shout out to Jessica for the video idea!

1 month: Lessons Learned


  1. I remember being so desperate for a night of sleep with our first. My hubby asked me how we were going to celebrate when E slept through the night for the first time and I said, "sleep!" We ended up having a little tiny party at home and dubbed her the Princess of Sleepy Land. I made a little paper crown and we read Dr. Seuss Sleep Book. She screamed the whole time :) But, it birthed a fun memory and tradition that we repeated with R and S as well - hang in there friend!

  2. love the video idea:) Jack's a little chunk! I bet you love snuggling with his chubbiness!

  3. G is a huge fan of the vacuum too! and thank you for that nursing room at church! amen sista! xox

  4. he is so big and cute! i can't wait to hold him!

  5. Love your blog! We are also a Marine Corps family with a new baby boy. New follower, and I added your button to my page :)
