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When Being Prepared Isn't Enough

  • Burp cloth over the shoulder while burping cute boy: check
  • Extra wipe covering the loaded weapon during diaper change: check
  • New diaper ready to go to catch anything extra: check
Somehow, Jack still managed to spit-up down my back, poop on my hand, and pee on my arm, the changing pad, and floor. All before 7am.

Happy Thursday!!


  1. hehe. this post is too funny and cute. and oh my - look at those eyes! so precious!

  2. He is too cute!
    It's amazing how babies (especially little boys...) can find any possible way to attack you with their bodily fluids. It's an art.

  3. Dont you just love mornings like that? :) How old is your little guy? I just had a little boy on June 7th and his name is Jonah.

  4. Oh dear...hey lil man, take it easy on mommy & daddy, k? At least wait until 0800, or maybe the afternoon, so that they can have somewhat of an easy start to the day. ;) Or, is it good just to get that stuff over with first thing? lol. It helps that he's so cute...and, the expression on his face is so if he's saying, "who, me?" hehe

  5. You forgot to cover it with a wipe?!?!?
