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Burning Lungs, a Birthday, and Fun Weekends

  • Love those pictures of my boys. Ben sent me the second one while I was warming up Jack's nighttime bottle last night and they were getting fresh air on the porch. Love.
  • We have an action packed weekend ahead of us--a birthday party for a friend's 3 year old boy, and a wedding celebration! Can't wait to show off my little boy and see some friends.
  • We had an awesome weekend with Ben's family visiting. But oh my gosh are things crazy with a toddler and a baby! Jack definitely got 'toughened up' last weekend.
  • I ran 3 times in the last two weeks! Okay so 3 times in 2 weeks...not all that impressive, and they were only for 10 minutes each, but it felt so good to feel that burn in my lungs again. Yes. I felt a burn after 10 minutes.
  • Last but not least....HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY TO MY LITTLE BROTHER MATTHEW! You're ridiculously smart, fun, kind, patient (you put up with a lot of weeeeiiird stuff living with all girls) and you do the BEST impersonations out of anyone I know! Especially impersonations of mom--(sorry mom!), but really, you can easily bring me, John, Karen, or Mel to tears in seconds from laughing so hard. You have such a bright future ahead of you. I'm proud to be your big sis. Love you!

Matt being patient while Karen and Mel act like zombies.

Hahahaha more zombie pics-they are going to kill me.

*Linking up with DarciNatashaChristina, & April again for 5 on Friday and Lauren for High Five for Friday!


  1. that zombie pic is hilarious! happy birthday to your brother, too! :)

  2. Oh my goodness, adorable photos of your sweet boys. I am your newest follower and so excited to meet you in the blog world :)
