"Wow-that boy is a fighter," Ben breathlessly confessed as he walked into the kitchen. I was getting dinner ready last night as Ben gave Jack his bedtime bottle and put him to sleep. As both boys were upstairs, I could hear Jack's grunts and whines through the baby monitor. That boy will fight off sleep with every ounce of energy he has until he is completely wiped out.
Within ten minutes of Ben being downstairs, we both heard Jack start to cry.
"Want me to try?" I asked Ben.
I went upstairs and walked into Jack's room. The room was dark, fan going, and the sound of waves crashing were coming from his sleep machine. As I bent and kissed his cheek, my sweet boy locked eyes with mine and smiled. I gave him his pacifier and brushed his hair back a few times.
He smiled wide, closed his eyes, and drifted off to sleep.
And my heart just about melted right out of my chest.
James 1:17
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.