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5 baby things

Today I decided to join the good life blog and talk about 5 things--any random 5 things that are on my mind! So let's talk baby--here are 5 different ways we have prepared our home for Jack's arrival!

[one] sleep

We have a pack 'n play with a built in bassinet set up in our room for the beginning stage, and then will transition him to his crib.

Isn't that baby blanket so sweet?? Check out my friend's etsy shop for the cutest children's clothes:

[two] diaper changing

Jack's changing table is organized and ready to go! We have pacifiers in the small bag hanging on the left of the table.  

In the crate on the left are cloth diapers. I am hoping to cloth diaper once Jack is out of the 'newborn' diaper stage. Believe me, these aren't the same cloth diapers that your mom or grandma may have used--check out how cute they are here! There are so many different kinds and styles that it has been a little overwhelming, but we have just decided to get a couple of a few different styles that have been popular among people we've talked to and then go from there.
The middle crate has 'peepee teepees'--a gift from Ben's mom that will hopefully keep us dry during diaper changes! :) There's also wipes, a spray bottle, and coconut oil to keep Jack's bum nice and soft. On the right are adorable burp clothes made by my friend--check out her shop:

Ok--so this is kind of gross and probably TMI for some of you...but if you've been reading my blog for a while--you know I keep it real on here. When you choose to cloth diaper, you have to figure out how you want to manage the 'mess'. There are two classes of people: the swishers and the sprayers. To give myself the best shot at being successful, we decided to join the 'sprayers' club...the good/kind-of-weird thing about breastfed babies is that the diapers don't need to be swooshed or sprayed until they start on solid foods. They can just go straight in the washer.

[three] the swing
This bad boy doubles as a swing and a bouncer.

[four] the chair
It rocks and reclines.

[fivedual stations

We have a 'diaper changing station' for downstairs--wipes, newborn diapers, changing pad, coconut oil.

We've also stashed some burp cloths (another sweet friend made these), receiving blankets, and bigger play blankets downstairs.

As you can see, we are ready for Jack's arrival whenever he is ready to join us! 
Want to know how I can tell that Ben is extra ready? He'll sometimes talk about Jack like he's already here....we'll be walking out the door and he'll say, "Don't forget to grab Jack out of the swing!" Or we'll be sitting on the couch and he'll show me his phone, which is the live video feed coming from our baby monitor...staring at an empty crib.
Cute? Creepy? Yea, I still haven't decided either...


  1. Cute setup! Still can't believe you are doing cloth diapers! Just so you know, I enjoyed avoiding work and catching up on your blog for the last twenty minutes. Can't wait for baby jack to be born! Love ~ Susan

  2. so fun!!! We're planning on using cloth diapers after we use up all the disposable diapers that were given to us (and we have ALOT) and it's been perfect for newborn stage...once she's big enough, we've got our cloth diapers ready to go! What brand are you using? we're using the All in One Bum Genius-so excited to see them on her little bottom!

  3. no seriously - those sprayers are awesome! And make cleaning up the super icky diapers really easy! :)

  4. That's great to hear!!

  5. Same with us--we've received a lot of newborn disposables, so it's nice to have them and not have to buy cloth for that short stage! We did get a few all-in-one's to try, as well as Bum Genius freetimes and 4.0's. We also got a couple of the Grovia Ai2's. It's so hard to know what you're going to like!!

  6. Yay--avoid work and visit the blog anytime! :) Let me know when you're ready for another visit to the South!!

  7. I started using cloth diapers once Sawyer was 2 weeks old. We are using prefolds with covers. We love them! I'm really excited to try some BumGenius. Two of my cousins use the BumGenius 4.0 and they are crazy about them :) I hope it goes well for you!
