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Halfway folks..

Yummy Caprese Panini
Can you believe it?! We're officially halfway. 20 weeks down and 20 more to go.
To celebrate, I relaxed with a pregnancy massage yesterday. Something about getting your back rubbed during pregnancy is extra amazing. Then today, Ben and I walked downtown for a picnic by the water.
I've been feeling a lot better as far as pregnancy symptoms go these last few weeks. I am able to eat a lot more than just bread and cereal, so that's good.  And I haven't had any more meltdowns...ok so that's not true, but at least they weren't as bad as that one. There was one that comes to mind that maybe came close, but in my defense, it involved a cross-country flight and not being allowed off the plane during our layover.
Oh yea, and one concerning whether or not our cats would go to heaven.  But anyways.
We had a great weekend and I hope you did too!


  1. as i so creepishly stated earlier today, TOTES ADORBS, PRESH.....ETC..... :)

  2. Sooooo your blog has not been showing up in my reader. Thats why i havent visited in awhile! But here i am. :) loved this post and crazy to think how fast time is going. Btw, we def need to talk about pets and heaven next time we have a phone date so you can avoid further meltdowns on this topic. ;)

  3. I'm glad you're feeling better. Your food looks great!
