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The most wonderful time of the year!

Well as you can guess, things have been crazy busy around here....and unfortunately, blogging got placed on the back burner these past few weeks! But we are home! And resting! And eating lots and lots of goodies!! 
Earlier in the month, I saw a cute ornament swap on this blog that I thought would be super fun to take place in. 

 I was paired up with cute sunshiny Kayla from My Kind of Yellow who is also a new-er blogger like myself! She sent me this very cute bright yellow hand-blown ornament, which is the perfect reflection of her blog!
So now I have this awesome addition to my Christmas tree, and a new blogging buddy!

It's so good to be surrounded with family and friends--one of the reasons why Christmas is definitely my favorite holiday of the year!!
The biggest reason why I absolutely adore this time of year is because: 
Matthew 1:21 She [Mary] will bear a Son; and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins.”
How wonderful is that? It doesn't mean that I'm perfect, or that I'll ever be perfect; but it does mean that my sins are forgiven because Jesus took my place on the cross.  What an amazing gift!

Hope that everyone reading this has a very Merry Christmas!!  It truly is the most wonderful time of the year!!

Brooke Lewis Photography: Shea-Calvert  s24

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