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New job update!

The new job is amazing.  I reeeeeeally mean that! The people I work with are so supportive and positive--they are such an inspiration and make me want to go above and beyond!!  I am so thankful that I get paid to take care of our Marines, Sailors, and their families--that's our #1 priority.  I know, I know, I got really lucky. My focus is:  to prepare our military families for the unique challenges of a deployment in addition to maintaining a constant state of readiness independent of deployment.
I am still in the learning phase and trying to figure out what the heck I'm suppose to be doing most of the time, but hopefully with time I will be just another piece that fits into the puzzle.  That's what one of the girls wrote on my "Congrats" card that I received from the office: "Nicole, you are the piece to the puzzle that completes us." I told you--they are amazing!!!

And do you know what else I'm thankful for?
Waking up on the weekends to breakfast made--just the way I like it.  Eggs sunny side up, on toast with cheese. Please.  


  1. look at you! you already know your stuff with this job. i'm impressed! ;)

    and that breakfast sandwich looks so yummy! i think i know what i want for breakfast tomorrow...

  2. Congratulations! So glad that you love your job.
