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Church camp

A few Wednesdays ago (Aug 1) I had lunch with a friend.  We made awesome veggie sandwiches that included our own homemade hummus (I promise I'll make them again soon and take pictures!) and talked, talked, talked.  While chatting, she told me about her much prayed about decision to go to The Flow--a week long church camp for high-schoolers in the mountains of Tennessee.  She asked me if I would pray about it, and of course my response was "Yea--I will definitely pray for you"...but then she clarified, "Thanks, but I want you to pray about being a leader as well."  Fast forward 5 days and I am sitting in a van with that friend and a bunch of teenagers.  About to embark on an 8 hour journey.  Singing along to boy bands.
The week-long journey consisted of: morning sessions,  small group, quiet time, waterslides, sand volleyball, evening sessions, hiking, white water rafting, new friendships, getting blobbed at the lake, amazing rock-out worship sessions, laughs, tears, and just enough sleep to fuel all of these activities.    The best part of the entire week, better than all of these activities, was that I had an entire week without distractions to focus on God.  To study God's Word and apply it to my life.
Here is a little peak into my journal from the first night:

...Once we got on the road, the 7 1/2 hour drive went by fairly quickly.  I had so much fun getting to know the girls in my van and can already tell this week is going to be filled with some pretty amazing people.  We stopped for lunch and I had a sandwich with almond butter, apple slices, and granola that my wonderful husband packed for me.  :)  Thank you God for blessing me with such an amazing man.  :)  Our lesson tonight is one I know I will return to for many years to come.  Drew taught about storms and how God knows every storm I will go through, how He is always there in the storm, and that He has a purpose for the storm--to do something in me that He couldn't do any other way.  "Sometimes He calms the storm, but sometimes He calms His child."  Lord, I pray that if you choose not to calm the next storm I face that you'll calm my heart.  I wonder what storms Ben and I will face….
the group that went hiking

my small group, I love these girls 
the waterfall at the end of the hike

the 'rock slide' at the bottom of the waterfall


  1. loved this post! so excited that you went! we need to get together and talk and catch-up. i miss you!!!! <3

  2. HEY! I was just reading some of your old posts, and my bro is in one of your pics. The group that went hiking one!! He's the good looking guy on the end. ;)Not Drew...the other one. hahaha. I didn't expect to see him!
